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Home » 2015 » May » 5 » 2nd match - 03.05.2015 ¤)ßmÇ(¤ vs inVictus
3:45 PM
2nd match - 03.05.2015 ¤)ßmÇ(¤ vs inVictus



¤)ßmÇ(¤ vs. inVictus 03-05-2015


Our 2nd game was played 03.05.2015. We started right after 20:30 on server provided by inVictus with opponent map - Abandoned City.

Enemy picked axis what was little confusing for us. Usually you pick the easier side for yourself to have better start. We knew that there could be something behind it.


Round 1

We started really fast by getting mid and south flag. North was attacked all the time but not of the purpose to capture it. Defending two flags takes a lot of attention and getting 3rd flag was a suicide. We controlled most of the round. Our mid cover always gave accurate information so we knew the exact spots and moves of enemies. After loosing a flag we were quickly motivated to recapture it. Solid defense of south, enemies had a lot more space on north but our infantry were ready for enemy sneakers.

Round ends 129:0 for us.


Round 2

We start axis, the beginning is decent but we can’t capture the mid. We take control over north and south. It splits our main forces so we are not able to cut enemy attacks. When we finally reach the mid, enemy captures one of our flag. Pressure put over our flags is bigger and bigger. Warm up from first round seemed to be in favour of 2-3 people from inVictus who leaded in this round. We start to loose more tickets because of drain. Our attack fails, we decide to make one organised attack that stops the bleed and brings a chance for us to stop the bleed. We hold the advantage till the end of round but we know we lost so many tickets.


Round ends 53:0 for us.


After first map we were in good moods, especially after nice come back in 2nd round and having in our line up Lecter, who missed some intense matches in last months. He proved to be a valuable member! We stay on the server, but this time with our pick - Tobruk. So far desert maps seemed to be in favour of us. Most of Clan Wars won there and we felt quite strong and confident at all fields. Our infantry switched with tankers.


Round 3

We start allied. Our defense line is ready to stop inVictus push. We knew our weaknesses from last clan wars and we knew how to counter our enemy. Good communication and teamplay between tanks and infantry was a key to hold the first line. After loosing a flag we were ready to recapture it and put even better resistance for upcoming attacks. InVictus did not try so much to go around to our main base, but if they did, there was always somebody ready to catch them before they could cause some damage to us.

We kept the round under control and won it.


Round ends 110:29 for us.


Round 4

We were so happy already because we knew we are in great favour to win the match but we still had to do our job by winning the round. Our start was smooth but we had some problems with inVictus. Enemy had to play agressive to hold our attacks and they almost succeed in doing it. Unfortunatly for inVictus, we were attacking and attacking, not letting our enemy to catch a breath. After succesfully capturing 1st line, we went for 2nd but with some problems. It usually happens if you decide to attack fast but we saw inVictus retreating to the main, what was not entirely true. When we finally captured 2nd line, we still had enough times for 2-3 attacks for enemy main. Unfortunatly for us, we failed with all the attacks, mainly because of the same reason with attack for 2nd line. Luckily for us, we were not worried about loosing the round by getting already a nice ticket advantage from 1st round on this map.


Round ends 128:93 for us.


Final score 4:0 (420:122) for ¤)ßmÇ(¤


Good game everyone and thanks to our opponents for nice game!


Score of a table after 2nd match day:

Line up:

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Alexei

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Gué (C)

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Hankes

¤)ßmÇ(¤ jrcWatchlist (Tobruk)

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Lecter (Abandoned City)

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Mace Windu

¤)ßmÇ(¤ nomax (Tobruk)

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Sunndae

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Technoboy

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Qlimax (Abandoned City)


Our next opponent is TL - TeamLiberation!


by Mace Windu

Views: 962 | Added by: MaceWindu | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
Gué   (05-05-2015 6:24 PM) [Entry]
''fixed'' fear

Alexei   (05-05-2015 4:51 PM) [Entry]
Fix the norwegian flag ffs!  cry

Gué   (05-05-2015 4:22 PM) [Entry]
Desert Foxes butcher

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