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Man of the Match vs. lop?
1. Rhino
2. Frenemy
3. Technoboy
4. Hankes
5. Alexei
6. Dr.Strange
7. Minnesota
8. e.S.
9. Sunndae
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¤)ßmÇ(¤ vs. Team Liberation 07-05-2015


Third match we played was against clan Team Liberation. Clan with less exparianced players but still danger with their mappicks. Our pick was Battleaxe, we were quite confident there. TL picked Market Garden what was quite surprising. We started with our map.


Round 1

We start axis, easier side on paper. More focus given to the ground pays off and we get control over the flags. TL was quite stubborn with inf defense that really cost us some important tickets. Our air is very condifent and prevent enemy from bombing our artylery. Teamplay between tanks and inf is good, we control the map for most of the time.


Round ends 131:0 for us.


Round 2

Small change of the line up, we are ready for 2nd round. Our start is average, enemy wespe stops most of our tank attacks. TL put more pressure over the map. Once we try left, once we try right but we find it difficult to secure one of the sides. We trade one our flag for two enemies. Drain does not last that long.

After killing the wespe, we find it way easier to push through. We gain control over the ground. Our air had more problems this round but still they did not let us down!

Round ends 127:0 for us.


Time has come to play enemy map. We were looking forward to play axis first but our opponent decided to go axis themself.


Round 1

We start allied, smooth spawn and we go for given flags. TL manages to get through, into the flags. This really cost us some important time but no tickets atl all. Luckily we manage to kill most of the leftovers in city/church/big bridge. Our planes are always ready to support the ground. This really made the round go smooth. TL attacks till the end of round but without bigger success.


Round ends 187:0 for us.


Round 2

All PCWs we played before this match on Market Garden were focused on finding the best way to play axis side. We have a decent start if you can say it about playing axis on this map. TL find it hard to control the church. We capture bridge flags and hold city gray. Usually we trade one flag for another but TL does not get a drain but we make the ticket difference smaller and smaller. We die a lot but so does our opponent.

We manage to get a full cap for a while and it looks very promising. Ticket advantage is in our favour and we know we have to hold it so the final round is also our. TL was ready for that scenario, they bail on roofs, their pilot do their job. We find it harder and harder to bring more tanks into the city. TL recaptures flags, we loose the leade. We fight till the end for the win but we were bit unlucky.

Round ends 103:80 for TL.


Final score 4:1 (524:103) for ¤)ßmÇ(¤

Good game everyone and thanks to our opponents for nice game!


Other games of that week

GUN|BF vs #fatality

Tickets: (89:289)

Score:   1 : 4    

[tamplier] vs <TnS>

Tickets: (239:387)    

Score:   2 : 3

{FG} vs lop 

Tickets: (81:565)    

Score:   0 : 4    


Score of a table after 3rd match day:



Line up:

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Alexei

¤)ßmÇ(¤ DraGo

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Butcherinho

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Gué (C)

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Hankes

¤)ßmÇ(¤ jrcWatchlist

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Mace Windu

 ¤)ßmÇ(¤ Shadowtrooper

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Sunndae

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Technoboy

¤)ßmÇ(¤ Qlimax


Our next opponent is Tamplier!


by Mace Windu

Views: 923 | Added by: MaceWindu | Date: 19-05-2015 | Comments (1)