Matchresults 2009 (not-updated)
Official Results 1st Era: 14 - 0 - 2 (only last part collected)
¤)ßmÇ(¤ won:
- #1 Clanbase Infantry ladder spot, for years.
- #1 PKT Infantry Cup 4v4
- #1 SoV 5v5 Infantry Cup
- #1 ESL bf1942 Infantry Summercup
- #1 SoV Allround Tourney (2008/2009)
- #1 SoV Conquest Cup 2009/2010 (imo #1, cause USA team was afraid to play us in the Final)
- #1 Memo Cup 2009/2010
- #1 Bf.League 2015
- #1 Bf.League 2016
- Participated in bf.league seasons: 2008 and 2009, just finished outside top 3. (should have finished inside it)
Main era´s:
1 - Infantry: from 2004 to 2008.
2 - Conquest and Allround: from 2008 to 2010.
3 - Rebuild: ¤)ßmÇ(¤ team in 2015.
Best opponents of the past, biggest Rivals:
- Infantry: WV (Wild Vikings), #fella, Nightmares, Utopianer, Eyes of Wonder
- Conquest: xGx, Illuminators, pas42
Biggest Notes:
- Despite Illuminators was very active and conquered many prizes, we never lost any official war against them.
- We played against Illuminators in the SoV Tourneys, in the bf.liga and in the Memocup.
- In the past, we never preffered playing bf.league, because we where used to, and liked, clanbase rules more. We preffered the SoV tourneys, which contained around 32 clans.
- When ¤)ßmÇ(¤ started to play bf.league, as Clan we had a poor reputation, because we said what we wanted and where viewed as Infantry Clan only. Our reputation changed quickly.
- When we started Conquest, Aberdeen was our worst map and everyone selected it against us. Today, Aberdeen is one of our best maps. Its fun how things change over time.
- We think we have one of the coolest tags in bf42: ¤)ßmÇ(¤. Together with <ô.ô> from Eyes of Wonder, we think these tags have been the coolest tags around.
Best opponents of today:
- Conquest: TnS, lop, Invictus